The Langebaan Yacht Club was founded on 24 April 1982. The Club is based on the edge of the beautiful Langebaan Lagoon and provides recreational amenities for members, which include Boating, Sailing, Kayaking, Angling and general social activities.
The Club is structured as a family club and safety of all its members is governed through a well-structured Constitution and a comprehensive set of House Rules and Bylaws.
As the Club is based on the edge of the Lagoon, a declared Ramsar site and operates from within SANparks controlled waters, conservation and protection of the Lagoon’s resources for the good of future generations is high on the Agenda at all times.

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Please note that you must be at the Club on a Friday EVENING when the Draw takes place in order to claim the Lucky Draw. The two cash prizes will be determined by the number of tickets sold on the evening. Tickets are R20 to enter. Tickets are available at the bar until Friday evening @ 20h00. Only members may enter the lucky draw.
Towards the end of December 2016 and beginning of January 2017, Sanparks issued a notice prohibiting overnight morring in the West Coast National Park effective 30 June 2017…
Download the full report here.